Results 166 - 180 from 249 in „Political Events”
As Much As You Need
More than 2,500 individual events comprised the 34th “Evangelischer Kirchentag” (Protestant church convention) that took place from May 1st to May 5th in Hamburg. The closing service attracted around 130,000 faithful, as well as considerable interest from the media.
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Camera Corps Q-Ball Captures Reaction to Birth of Royal Baby
Q-Ball remotely controlled camera equipment from Camera Corps televised the world's newsmedia as they converged on London to report the birth of the new heir to the crown of the United Kingdom.
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World Leaders Count On Yamaha At G8 Summit
The eyes of the western world were on the Northern Ireland town of Enniskillen in mid-June, as its Lough Erne golf resort hosted the 39th annual G8 summit. As the heads of eight of the world’s largest economies met to discuss ‘trade, transparency and tax’, Yamaha digital mixers ensured that not a word was missed.
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DPA Microphones Help Bill Gates Address the Big IF Rally
DPA Microphones played a significant role at the recent Big IF rally in London’s Hyde Park by ensuring that celebrities and VIPs such as Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates and film director Danny Boyle were clearly heard by the 45,000-strong crowd.
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POOLgroup’s SGM P-5s highlight Barack Obama in Berlin
Barack Obama recently visited Berlin for the first time since his election as US president. The highlight of his 25-hour stay in Berlin was his speech before an invited audience of 5,000 people at the Pariser Platz in front of the Brandenburg Gate.
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d&b Helps the Dalai Lama Promote Peace
"It's amazing. There is no wonder the Dalai Lama is known around the world. He has the spirit of a child, but the knowledge and wisdom of a prophet. A truly unique show to be a part of," recalls Cody Bateman, Director of Audio for National Events.
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W-DMX™ Welcomes the New Dutch Queen
W-DMX BlackBox ran Luminair and controlled GlowUp fixtures during the dinner, which was attended by royal heads of state from 18 countries. Among the many notables on hand were Britain's Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, and the Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako. W-DMX for the banquet was supplied by Keylight Design & Supply in The Netherlands.
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Overon Live from Taskim Square
The company covered the clearing of the square last Tuesday for a host of high profile international TV networks.
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SIS Live at Dambusters 70th Anniversary
On 16th May outside broadcast and uplink specialist SIS LIVE supported the BBC in the creation of a special programme which paid tribute to the famous Dambuster’s raid which happened exactly 70 years previously. The same night in 1943 saw the launch of 19 Lancaster Bomber aircraft as part of Operation Chastise. This daring undertaking saw the first wartime deployment of the innovative bouncing bomb named ‘Upkeep’ which aimed to destroy German dams and hence flood the industrial heart of Nazi territory.
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PSM Welcome Greek Court Ruling Restoring ERT Signal
European public service media (PSM) today welcomed a ruling by the top administrative court in Greece ordering the Greek government restore national broadcaster ERT to air immediately.
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50 Directors General of Public Media Demand ERT be Restored to air
Fifty public service media (PSM) leaders in 39 countries have rallied behind the shelved Greek broadcaster ERT by signing an EBU-led statement calling for the station to be restored to air immediately.
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Royal Sound with United’s OB14 and mc²66
The recent abdication of Queen Beatrix on April 30th made way for her son, Willem-Alexander, to become King of The Netherlands. The occasion was marked by a grand ceremony that was broadcast live by Dutch national broadcaster NOS, as well as being relayed to many other countries, and also by a special concert from Dutch violin superstar, André Rieu.
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The Netherlands Inaugurates New King
King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands was inaugurated on April 30th, 2013. After 33 years on the throne, Queen Beatrix abdicated in favor of her son Willem-Alexander. The event – the first inauguration of a Dutch king for 124 years – was followed by a television audience of millions around the world.
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Celebrating the Crown with d&b
For thirty three years, Queen Beatrix has lead the Netherlands with grace and beauty. Known for her warmhearted smile and 'modernizing' the royal house, she has been beloved by the Dutch people since receiving the crown from her mother in 1980. However, this year, at age seventy five, Beatrix is ready to give the next generation a chance to continue her work. King Willem-Alexander, the first king in over a century and Beatrix's eldest son, was sworn in on April 30th, 2013.
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KVM save the Queen’s Day
You might ask yourself: What was so special about the 30th of April? Each year it’s a special day for our Dutch neighbours. This year it was not just a special day, it was a very special day for the Dutchmen and women. If you are curious to find out what G&D’s KVM extenders have to do with the Queen’s Day - keep on reading!
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